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'TOP ARTISTS – The Protagonists of Contemporary Art'

She was invited as international contemporary artist to the official presentation 'TOP ARTISTS – The Protagonists of Contemporary Art' at Great School of Saint Theodore in Venice. The event was hosted by Effetto Arte Foundation.

Great School of Saint Theodore, Venice, Italy

May 18th, 2023

Exhibited Projects 

'Relativity of the past future'

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'The column "Top Artists, The Protagonists of contemporary art", was created with the intention of paying tribute to some of the best international artists. The aim is to suggest to gallery owners, art dealers, museum and collection directors, the contemporary interpreters in which is worth investing. Currently, the world art market takes into account not only the aesthetic value of the work, but also the professional and existential past  of the author. The participation in the exhibitions, the publications  and the awards obtained  are then evaluated. In this project we will select artists that have  already participated in previous events or exhibitions organized by us,  as well as new creative individuals  who are distinguishing themselves on the international scene.



The  column will be part of the Contemporary Celebrity Masters vol. III,  which will be presented on May 18 in Venice. Host city of the Biennale,  the most important art event in the world.

This exclusive editorial project will be curated by the art consultant Francesco Saverio Russo and the art critic Salvatore Russo.'

Effetto Arte Foundation

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